Saturday, 31 January 2015

"Solid Rock and a Firm Foundation"

Garden furniture shopping was not somewhere I expected to be inspired. However my Mum and I happened to walk into a new shop that had appeared in our local shopping centre as the wooden tables and chairs had attracted her attention. 
Obviously walking in we were aware that this shop was indeed a shop with some kind of charitable cause, as there were large signs saying "The Rock Foundation" in the window. But when enquiring about purchasing technicalities, we were given  some fabulous background information on the items for sale. These quality pieces were not just made to fund the charity, these were made as part of the work that the charity completes as part of its aim. Through a large range of practical workshops and placements the charity aims to teach and develop the skills of those with learning disabilities or who are disadvantaged. 
[Image from:,d.d24&psig=AFQjCNFDdnabBdOxrUR7ki6coG1yVH07SA&ust=1422829187690317]

This really touched my Mum and I, as the beautiful pieces had an equally lovely story behind them, and not only financially helped someone, but actively did as well. If I was not moving abroad in the near future I would have loved to seek information on how I could help the charity with any skills I may possess that might be of any use. People are very judgemental about Grimsby and Cleethorpes, however if something so great can come out of the area, then respect is deserved. 

I strongly urge people to at least look at this charity's website and learn more about this fabulous cause. There is a lot in the news about unemployment and the importance of training. Surely everyone should be entitled to learn and develop as a person! 
[Post title quoted from the foundation's website]

Friday, 30 January 2015

The Underground in an Ocean

I do not mean to keep posting about New York. However I came across this piece of news the other day and found it so extraordinarily amazing that I felt it had to be shared! 

Certain members of the US public were shocked and horrified when they spied tug boats dumping old subway carriages into the ocean. Like I initially did, New Yorker's probably presumed this was just a lazy and Non-Eco friendly way of the state disposing of unwanted goods cheaply. 

[Image from:
Image taken by : Stephen Mallon]

However continued to explain that this was a part of a project to restore and create ocean habitats.  
This video shows the results brilliantly.  

Panasonic Ecoideasnet]

This is the evidence that the plan is successful 10 years on. This beautiful image hides its artificial origin unbelievably well. So don't panic people: for once dumping is restoring that damaged human activity! 

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Random small things

The past two days have exemplified to me of how the small things have the most impact on people. 

Yesterday I recieved these images from my boyfriend in New York. This instantly made my day a whole lot cheerier. 

This morning Good Morning Britian followed a story about random acts of kindness that individuals have completed for no larger motive or reward. To those that had had these small acts of kindness offered to them this meant a whole lot more than most would think. If anything, their gratitude and happiness as a result of the good deeds were more than worth the effort.

Just remember people to appreciate the little things in life because they can have a big affect. 

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Do you see USB NYC?

NYC is a big thing in my life at present for several reasons. The first, most regular readers will be aware of, is that I am moving to New York for several months training  (sorry for repetition but I'm excited!) Another is the fact the City's bad weather is making world news at present,  and the final: my boyfriend is currently over there. 
I am keen to see new little quirks that the city holds whilst over there. I want to become aware of the daily culture and not just (although large,) the tourist culture. 
This post by Most Epic Stuff appeared on my Facebook news-feed this afternoon and is exactly the type of hidden secret of the City I endeavour to discover for myself. An absolutely brilliant idea by Berlin based designer Aram Bartholl :

In case you haven't followed the link above yet ... There are various USB sticks cemented into walls over New York City! People can plug these into their laptops/ USB ports and share files. A great way to spread the word. But be warned the upload of viruses has been reported in the past, and obviously if you attempt to connect the USB art directly into your treasured laptop try not to scratch it! 

[Image from:]

Sunday, 25 January 2015

The Tumbling Process of Design

I have recently been acquainted with Tumblr. Obviously as a blogger using Blogger, Tumblr was unusual to get my head around using alongside this, however I am finding the whole project quite exciting and beneficial. 

Whilst on our industrial placement we have two modules to complete which will compliment our placements and increase how much we get out of them. 
The first stage of the initial assignment includes street style. It is a daunting task to fashion designers, who are used to being sat in their study alone and working away! However I started on this project whilst in London, and once I had finally plucked up the courage to ask well dressed passers by to snap their style, all was not so scary, and actually, looking back the images are very inspiring. 
Check out my attempts via this link! 

Saturday, 24 January 2015

Jewell- The Making of Us

I love reading, but with my demanding, yet fulfilling course, I rarely get time to sleep, let alone read! 

I was always told not to say, when at an interview that one of my hobbies is reading. This is because I do not prefer a particular genre of poetry or prose; not do I have a favoured author. 

I am also aware of a slight snobbery towards so called "chick-flick" fictional novels. 
However I believe there is a fine line in this classification. I often feel that some modern literature is of a better standard than some of the classical favourites. 
At the end of the day it is down to preference. 

I have just spent the last day stuck with my nose in the book "The Making of Us" by Lisa Jewell. An original story line and structure page turner instantly attracted me to this. Although I do not have favoured areas of literature, I am also picky with what I read, and if a book has not grabbed me by page twenty I am reluctant to continue. 

This story line has really effected me; leaving me feeling both content for finishing and discovering the finale to this fabulous piece fiction; and gutted to have left the fanatical lives if Lidya, Robyn and Dean. 

I definitely intend to read more by this talented author, and recommend others too as well! 

Illustration Insane

I decided as a warm up activity for updating my portfolio, I would produce digital illustrations for new cover and profile images for my twitter account; I mainly use twitter as a source of information and promotion for fashion work and so it felt relevant to combine the two tasks.  
I've always loved manual work and preferred hand-drawing over digitally producing. However as technology only continues to progress, as does its use in the fashion industry, I feel it was necessary to progress my digital skills. 
Using Photoshop, Illustrator, most of my patients and many hours has resulted in me producing these images, which display past design ideas. I still have long way to go in improving my digital skills, but for now these will just about do !

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Reaction to Growing-up

I've always said I'd never grow up. I have realised today it was because I was scared. It's still scary, all the responsibility. But today, was the day I realised the future is bright: growing up isn't and wouldn't be a hardship, but exciting and eventful. 

Today I was in London securing a visa for the experience of a life time: my internship in New York. Completing this task was tiring, as all travelling is, but it has evoked the excitement and the confidence that had been hidden behind all the organising of the trip. 
It is for the future, my future and doing anything that doesn't embrace it would be something I would greatly regret. 

Anyway the link... My Christmas sales purse purchase accompanied me on this trip to London. The brand that made it is Reaction. Looking at the brand marked zips as I waited in line to pay for my celebratory STARBUCKS caused me to evaluate the day and recognise the "reaction" that the happenings have caused me to feel. As odd as it sounds it really did diminish the pessimist in me for once. May it be the beginning of the making of me as a grown up! 

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Round Table, Round Room, Round House

As someone who is greatly inspired by architecture and interior design, I am in awe and in love with this house. Advertised by Zoopla via  Facebook, I was instantly interested in the composition of this house and how it could influence my design work. 
This would make a fab first house! 

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Shellac Skin

This past couple of weeks I've been spoilt by Skin Couture of Caistor. 
This brilliant beauty salon offers a variety of treatments. 

Last week I was treated to a Hot Stones massage gifted to me for my 20th. A lover of massages as a form of relaxation and treatment to sports injuries, I was yet to experience this kind of massage. Unusual to say the least it was one of the best I have had! 

Today as part of a birthday offer given by Skin Couture I had a shellac nail treatment. Always put off by the fact that they can not be removed using nail varnish remover, the skilled beauticians reassured me with their wonderful work. 
Not one to sit still you can imagine the pleasure I felt when I was told it instantly dried and didn't chip easily. 

The bubbly beauticians calm those that like me sometimes find such situations awkward. 

Very reasonably priced as well, I highly recommend a visit! Book now whilst there is post Christmas appointment spaces! 

Visit their website for more info:
Or follow them on Facebook! 

Monday, 19 January 2015


[Typography by Jessica Lewis]

I came across this talented band via Twitter last week and was instantly impressed by their beautiful sound. Alternative Indie Pop can encourage and compliment a multitude of moods. LONGFELLOW is therefore perfect for any occasion. The entity of the music available to sample online is fabulous, so choosing a favourite to recommend is an almost impossible task! However, their most recent single "KISS-HUG-MAKE UP" is a favourite of BBC Radio Two!
With a number of show dates in the near future, I definitely recommend seeing them live. After-all music is magically fulfilling live! 
Checkout their sound, performance dates and beautiful beings here:
....ANDDDD dont forget to follow them on twitter! 

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Toon Today Toon Tonight

So I'm coming to the end of my eventful, as always weekend in Newcastle. 
Eat, sleep rave repeat is perhaps the best way to describe it. Well I couldn't hack repeating the rave! Due to that I didn't quite get to appreciate the fabulous Quilliams as I had hoped, but l will return to that terrific tea rooms! 

The Lang Gallery featured some fabulous work which will aid my current Uni project. 

Seeing some super friends also surpassed expectations. 
Today my boyfriend and I had our monthly trip to the quayside market and Great Coffee. After an ace white hot chocolate we had to trek through a storm of rain, sleet and snow. Did it put a damper on my visit? Not at all. Whether we make it to our planned meal tonight or have takeaway we will be happy in the company we love.

P I wanted to prove through this that it is the small things in life which make time special. 
I also wanted to show to people of the world that appearance isn't what counts either. We all have our bad hair days. We all have to face the weather in torrential conditions. But whether we share these good and not so fun times with those we love and respect definitely is far more important! 

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Album of Memories

Sorting through my belongings before I fly off to a different country was somewhat like a time hop. 

One of my favourite findings was my first film camera. Boots make, ocean themed. With a large octopus covering the camera, and a cute case, I couldn't help but smile when coming across it once more. 
There is something about the past that is so fresh, so rejuvenating. A definite inspiration for future designs as nostalgia is a big theme for future trends. 

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Blue Shoes

Pattern, blue tones and vintage status are three elements that I particularly like in clothing items.
Hemswell antiques centre introduced me to these beauties. For just £2.00, safe to say this is one of my most successful  purchases. Not only are these heels fabulous footwear, they are a big inspiration to me and my design work. 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Community Car- Crazy

This article by definitely caught my attention and made me smile! 
This man put a sign outside his house asking people to decorate his van.
The community came together and produced this crazy, fantastic and intricate peice of art! Doodles definitely do look brilliant in bulk! 

Sunday, 11 January 2015

Pattern and Texture

Today whilst clearing out my room I found two items that had been lost at the bottom of a pile of junk. 
To me, an excitable designer, this was very exciting as I had forgotten about the patterns and textures involved in these items. These elements along with their colour could prove to be very inspirational to me. 
Being enthused by a mere product is a hard thing to explain, but they trigger memories to come back to me, which also regenerates design drive. 
Welcome to the head of a crazy designer! 

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Fresh Flowers to Improve the Mood

Today a beautiful surprise arrived at my door. 
I have never  bought flowers by a guy before, so this special package meant more to me than most can imagine. 
At a time when I needed a little pickup my boyfriend knew what to do. 
I am not particularly materialistic, but to have these fresh beauties at the bottom of the stairs to see when I set foot down stairs each morning will start the day brilliantly. Accompanied by a little teddy for me to take to New York this was really the most romantic and thoughtful thing I could have hoped for. 

Thursday, 8 January 2015

Dressing dogs

A controversial subject to say the least. 
Should dogs be dressed?
These two yorkies are usually bare backed. However they dress up for special occasions. 
The owners do not want them to be doggy dolls or carried around in handbags, but the dogs do not seem to mind being clothed for occasions and it's a bit of fun isn't it? 
Is if fashionable or not? That is another question that can be argued profusely.
At the end of it all as long as the petsaren't  harmed it's down to the individual owners.  

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Crystal Cocktail-table

This post by Talenthouse caught my eye when scrolling through my Facebook Newsfeed. This beautifully crafted one of a kind "Sparkle Palace Cocktail-table" has been created by designer John Foster. It uses glass and reflection to create an enchanting colour display. Practical and pretty: right up my street! 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Craftsmanship, Hard work and Talent

[Screen-shot of Film produced by Zoe. Follow link below to view.]

So those of you that are loyal long time viewers will know a while back a friend and I set up a small brand called XPOSE. The intention was for us to gain practical experience in our desired fields. 
That was achieved along with lots of fun! 
This talented girl always surprised me with her film making skills. Now in her final year of University Zoe has impressed me yet again with her VIMEO - Made By Me.
A lot of hard work has gone into this, and this is evident from viewing this "Short Documentary film focusing on the importance of craftsmanship and handmade goods."
Definitely worth a view people! 

Pre-Fall Frenzy

So as February nears ever closer, I cannot help my excitement exploding inside of me when viewing the Pre-fall fashion designs from Rebecca Taylor.
Here are two of my favourite looks from the collection. I particularly love the leather jacket with its element of individuality. Visit for the rest of the collection! Safe to say I am looking forward to my placement with the brand! 

[Rebecca Taylor]


Monday, 5 January 2015

Brand New, Brands and Individuality

The picture below may not be the best I have ever taken, but after yet another fabulous shift in my local charity shop and a little shop there myself, I want to stress how fabulous some items you can get there are! 
Today for £7 I purchased a full suit in great condition and a Ralph Lauren jumper.  
As economy causes you to get less and less for your money it does baffle me how people have not jumped onto the charity shop shopping bandwagon! 
On our shifts we gratefully sift thorough the many bags of donated goods and ensure that what we put out is of near new condition. Many high end brands and made in Britain produce also make their way onto the shelves on a regular basis! 

Sunday, 4 January 2015

Snowmen, Teddies and Thank-yous

So today I made and wrote thank you cards for my birthday and Xmas. Some people think that's just for kids, but I think it's important to show your appreciation for the thought and trouble they have went through. I make each one personal and include a few lines for the individual. 
So while I'm on a role I want to say thank you to all my readers for well reading! 

Friday, 2 January 2015

Never too old to draw a picture

So today I'm 20! No longer a teenager I  feel now is the time that I need to grow up. However when it came to visiting my Great Auntie Ruby I still took her a drawing I had done for her. I love drawing and expressing my love through it as well. It's something personal, which shows thought and has meaning. Drawing isn't just for kids. Big kid as can be creative too! 

Thursday, 1 January 2015

New Year, New Season, New Trends

So with sales still on and new season's stock also entering the shops many will want to start using their Christmas  money to update their wardrobe for the new year. 
Here are some of Spring/Summer 2015's key trends to get you started: 



[Alberta Ferretti]


[Derek Lam]


[Marc Jacobs]

[Vivienne Westwood - Red Label]

[Tommy Hilfiger]

[Jeremy Scott]

[Illustrations Produced by Jessica Lewis and Garments from Spring 2015 Shows]