Thursday 22 January 2015

Reaction to Growing-up

I've always said I'd never grow up. I have realised today it was because I was scared. It's still scary, all the responsibility. But today, was the day I realised the future is bright: growing up isn't and wouldn't be a hardship, but exciting and eventful. 

Today I was in London securing a visa for the experience of a life time: my internship in New York. Completing this task was tiring, as all travelling is, but it has evoked the excitement and the confidence that had been hidden behind all the organising of the trip. 
It is for the future, my future and doing anything that doesn't embrace it would be something I would greatly regret. 

Anyway the link... My Christmas sales purse purchase accompanied me on this trip to London. The brand that made it is Reaction. Looking at the brand marked zips as I waited in line to pay for my celebratory STARBUCKS caused me to evaluate the day and recognise the "reaction" that the happenings have caused me to feel. As odd as it sounds it really did diminish the pessimist in me for once. May it be the beginning of the making of me as a grown up! 

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